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I'm leaving my job
Published on July 12, 2007 By
Life Journals
Well thanks to the rain we are in a big rutt. I was forced to sit down and look at how much I'm paid, how much I pay out and how much is left at the end of the month. As it stand I actually only make 160.00 a month. OUCH! I pay 500 a month thats about half of what I make right off the bat.
I am putting in my two weeks notice and am going to go back to offering childcare in my own home. Wish me luck.
As of yesterday my internet has been cut off. I am only on at work for the next two weeks, or till I can drive around and link up to someone elses internet. Though, I figured, even if I only took in one child I would still make more money then if I were working. I'm going to miss my job. I really felt I was good at. I am however looking forward to having little ones to play with. I'm going to talk to my sitter and get tips and pointers from her. I am going to lay out a plan of things to do with the kiddo's. Learning time, reading time, movie time, nap time... breakfast, lunch.. I'm actually excited about staying home again and seeing these kiddo learning things they'll need for school.
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on Jul 12, 2007
Besides offering childcare in your own home, you could offer to sit for a working Mom at her house, with the condition that your child(ren) come with you. That's what my wife does, and it's worked out great so far. It's a little hectic in the morning, but the money is worth it for not having to pay childcare.
on Jul 12, 2007
I have been doing daycare in my home for six years. I would be glad to answer any questions if you want to email me privately. My email is Hubbamy (at) hotmail (dot) com.
on Jul 12, 2007
Sorry I can't reply to everyone right this second, but I will try to do so on my lunch tomorrow.
I don't have phone service either. We had digital phone through our cable/internet. It was cheeper to do it that way. Sigh, so all I have is my cell phone now. Like I said, for now I hope it will be a blessing.
I've already gotten 2 phone calls and I just posted my add on craigslist on my lunch break. Also, my job offered me 3.25 more an hour until August to keep me here. Then they said they might cut be back to 12.50 after that. We giveth, we take it away.. lol, but seriously I stand to make more by working from home. It was a great for them to offer me that and make me feel wanted and how much I'm actually worth.
Ok I have to go pick up my little guy. Once again thanks, I hope to get to everyone tomorrow.
on Jul 13, 2007
If you get really broke..(grin)...there is a certain knife I'm interested in purchasing from you. It's worth at least $100 bucks to me...maybe more if you actually steal it from him.
hahahah well I won't be stealing it from him, this is Mal we are talking about here. When he notices it missing he'll know EXACTLY what happened to it, do you wish for me to die? lol
Ang, if you're able to get on today to read this, have Mal check into getting unemployment benefits for the time he's been off due to the weather. If he's missed more than a week of work, he may qualify even if he hasn't technically been laid off.
I've also told him about that before but for some reason he seems to think he can't get unemployment with this job. I really don't know why, and who told him that they couldn't get it. Who knows, when it comes to his job, I don't know anything. ha! I'm just glad he's been working so far Tues - Friday, hopefully he'll work Saturday. That will put him at about 50 hours this week. WOO HOO
I also already have to people lined up for interviews today. One lady IF I take her on, I'll get 600. But I'm not sure becasue I'd have to take her two twin 4 year old to their bus for preschool and pick them up. That would include putting two babies in the car.. an 8 month old and a 15 month old.
The other lady I'm really interested in going ahead and take her children are.. 3 years old and 15 month old. She'll be paying me 800 a month. So, already I'm set to quit. The other lady with the twins probably wouldn't start until September, so I'd have time to get used to the other two children. I'm excited. I have all these study plans to teach them days of the week, numbers, letters, weather stuff, and I'm going to try and teach them the spanish words at the same time.
I'm am looking forward to this change.
on Jul 16, 2007
woo hoo I have 2 children lined up already. I'm excited!
on Jul 16, 2007
That's awesome! My wife is looking at getting some kids to come to our place on her days off. She's so crazy!
on Jul 16, 2007
lol, its fulfilling in a way. Yes, sometimes it can drive you nuts, but one thing I do realize is if you have somewhat of a schedule laid out for them it makes it easier. Of course things will happen and you'll have to replan your schedule, but for the most part, they'll get used to it, and know what to expect. I also think it will help the day go by faster.
I'm excited to teach them things and notice over time how much they are learning. I used to help out at the school for my son Isaiah, and the teacher told me she thought I'd be great at it and I should go to school for teaching. Well I can't do that, but I can do this : ) Best of luck to the wife. And oh.. you have to be a little bit crazy.. don't ya?!
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