wish you would stay, but I have to let you go
I'll start with just a little history here. About 7 years ago I seperated from my husband. At the time we had been together about 11 years and had two wonderful boys. Steven, the oldest and Isaiah, the youngest. When we seperated we did our best to keep things civil. He didn't want to be a part time father and also was afraid he could never make it if he had to pay child support.
I, on the other hand, had never lived alone. Had never had a job for very long because I stayed home to take care of our children. Well, that is a job in itself. I had just gotten my GED about two years before we decided to split. I got a job and managed to find a two bedroom apartment near my job. If Steven and Isaiah moved with me they would leave the house they grew up in, change schools, and be going through the whole seperation. My then husband and I decided it would be best if they stayed with him. He also said that if anytime the kids said they wanted to live with me, he would let them go.
Well, I had my job, my own apartment, and was doing well, though I don't know how well I would've been doing with two children. I know you make it work and I'm sure I would've. Durring that time I found out my fathers cancer was not gone, and that he now had inopperable cancer. I felt bad because I couldn't be there to take care of him like I did when I wasn't working. I had also met a then friend online, who is now my husband. In December I lost my father, he left me a large amount of money. I HATED living in Ohio and felt like I couldn't get out from underneath my husband and his family. I also didn't have a good relationship with my mother.
So, I went for a visit in Atlanta to see my brother, then went down to meet my online friend and see if he had the same feelings for me as I did him. If not, then I was thinking of moving in with my brother. Well he did have the same feelings, he left Texas and moved in with me in Atlanta.
I got summer visitations and rotating holidays. I missed my ex, but felt they were better in a more stable enviroment with their father. He told me I was getting off easy, and I told him to hell with you then let me have my children, well he didn't want that.
Now we have relocated back to Texas and have been here abour 4 years. My oldest, Steven, was always begging to come live with me. My ex would always tell him no. Finally I talked to him enough and told him it wasn't fair, because he knows I was never a bad mother to my children, and how would he feel if the shoe was on the other foot?! So Steven came down for the summer, but then decided to go back up to Ohio. I was crushed. Another couple years go by, Steven isn't doing well, he's cutting himself and being mean to his father becuase he wants to come back and live here with us. So once again, I had many talks with my ex and convinced him to let Steven come live here and give it another try. He came in February, now here it is July, and he's moving back home again.
This breaks my heart. The reasons why he left in the first place hasn't changed. His father is still going to treat him the same way. See Steven is in this Emo faze. He is also a very sensitive teenager. He's also dealing with the fact that he's either bi or gay. His father will support him with none of that. He picks on him because of the way he dresses. He picks on him because he's a sissy. My son is a gentle giant, at 15 he's 6'1" and 200 lbs. As we know he's not done growing.
I'm worried about him going back there. I can't keep him from going back as his father has custody. He knows his father is going to be even worse this time. I'm so worried what this is going to do to his self esteem. I thought he was doing better here. I understand that he misses his friends up there, and he says thats why he's going back, but your friends can't be there for you all the time. You still have to go home."