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Its just me...
Anything I feel I would like to talk about. So readers be warned. Though usually it will most likely just be about my life or things that appeal to me.
Thank you for mom's and cable!
I'm back!!
Published on October 3, 2007 By
Home & Family
My mom just went back home today after coming to visit for a week. This was made possible because she just got laid off and an old boyfriend of mine got her a very inexpensive ticket. While she was down here she paid for my past due cable bill and also paid for it to get turned back on. They came and connected it yesterday. Before she got here she ran around for days getting me they yummy's I can't seem to get down here. She brought me some good polish kielbasa straight from the polish meat market back home. She also brought me some chicken lemon soup that I love so much made lovingly by our Egyptian friend Samir. She went to the diner we always used to go to and they gave her a huge bowl of fresh feta cheese and gyro meat. The first morning she was here I made eggs mixed with gyro meat then once on my place smothered it in feta cheese. My husband made a taco out of it, of course. Then I had to do the same and put some cucumber sauce on it... mm mm good. For dinner we made the kielbasa and some mashed taters. We also stopped on Friday to the Humane Society, where David, myself, and Corbin had been looking at kitties in the window a few days before. I adopted two kitties. Mom also bought us all the neccessities. We took her to the airport today. Corbin was really sad to see her go.
I love my new cats and am happy to say that David "the cat hater" seems to like them too. I got one black one(male) and one white one(female). David picked out the names for them, Gunter and Brunhild, German names of course. Nothing less to be expected from David. He also moved the cats from the spare bedroom into our room the moment he got home from work. I had put them in the spare room thinking he wouldn't want them in ours, go figure! They are adjusting well to their new enviroment except one of them is pissing. I believe it to be the male, even though he is fixed. I clean the cat box twice a day, once in the morning and once before I go to bed. I change the litter every 4 days. I don't know why he's doing it. He's not spraying, its a lot of pee. I believe I caught him peeing on the extra matress we have on the floor for Corbin this morning. I heard him scratching and I looked down to see him looking like he was trying to cover up his urine and sure enough the sheet was wet. UGH!
That brings me to my potty training issue which might be causing the cat to pee on things. Corbin is 3 1/2 and is no longer wearing pull ups and is going to the potty on his own, standing up to pee may i add. Lately I've been having a problem with him wanting to pee on the floor, umm he peed on the dog while she was in her crate, I can't recall the countless places I've found him peeing. Anyone else have these issues? Or am I the only one out there who's got a boy that just wants to whip it out and pee everywhere. It used to be he'd just go out back and pee. I understood that because he saw the doggie go outside all the time. Also because when we go down south to visit the grandparents all the guys seem to go pee outside at night when they are drinking, but goodness in the house!! When you ask him where he's supposed to go potty, he'll tell you on the potty. Ugh! All this peeing is driving me crazy. lol
Well I think I've managed to put more than one blog worthy thing into one blog. Sorry folks. Pick and chose what you want to respond to I guess. Its been awhile again and I hope to get a bit better at it. I tend to have a lot to ramble on about.... either way, I'm back!
Here are a couple shots of the new additions...
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on Oct 04, 2007
I'll have to get some for you. They are upstairs playing right now, running everywhere sounding like a heard of elephants. I had a couple on my phone but I have removed them. I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I'll have some time on my hands to get you some pictures.
on Oct 04, 2007
*Some cats require a bit of 'teaching' as well. Watch him closely, just like you would a pup you're housebreaking, and when you catch him in the act (or just looking like he might be considering it) scoop him up quickly (and without fuss or scolding) and place him in the litterbox. Take his little front paws and make a scraping/digging motion with them in the litter (to show him how it's done) and then give him some privacy.*
He has been using the cat box since I brought him home. I'm thinking maybe he wants another litter box. I believe at the center they only had one box, but maybe he's being he's being fussy now. I've read up on it too and they say sometimes they like to pee in one box and poo in another. I've got there litter box in a closet we do not use in our room with the door just cracked open and it also has a lid. I don't think its a privacy thing. I'm giving it some time. He seems to only pee on things that I'm able to pick up and wash so for now its just a nuisance to me maybe even to Gunter also.
*In the meantime, soak all pee spots with full strenght white vinegar after sopping up the pee, and let it air dry. It will take the urine scent out better than any commercial preperation I've ever used, and it's dirt cheap too.*
Thank you very much for that. I've been using Goop which we have for the grease on David's cloths and its been working, but I will get some vinegar and start putting it in my laundry too. I know already that it helps in just everyday laundry too, so it will be a great thing for us to have around anyway. Poor Gunter, I'm more worried about him. He seems to be doing well though. They now have free roam around the house. They are both eating well, both are fixed, had their shots etc. Gunter was already returned once because they said he didn't get along with their cats and because he drooled. I'll get some pictures he's really a beautiful cat, both of them are.
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