Anything I feel I would like to talk about. So readers be warned. Though usually it will most likely just be about my life or things that appeal to me.
mmm coffee and Dora.. I want NEWS!
Published on October 4, 2007 By majicalillusion In Life Journals
Can I start by saying how much I've missed being connected. I miss being able to get up in the morning and turn on cable t.v. To be able to catch what news might be on, though right now the little guy is watching Dora the Explorer. I didn't realize he learned much from these shows till he repeated one of the spanish words from Diego one day. Funny the show also helps me pick up a few spanish words here and there. I also miss being able to get online and do the simple things I do online. I do think I'm going to try and take the time today to read up on some of the people running for president. I don't have much time to make my decision. Having no tv, no paper to read, no internet, I'm not up to date as to what has been going on. Imagine how stupid I felt when someone was talking to me and told me Hillary was running this year and I had no clue.

I've been doing my best to sort of keep up with the news. I had internet on my phone and would go to CNN mobile and USA today mobile. Ugh, man that was frustrating! So if anyone has some good links that they like to use to get news from, please feel free to send them on my way.

Do any of you happen to work from home using your internet connection. I have been thinking about finding something like that for me since the babysitting has not panned out. The only thing is there are so many scams out there.

Let me add how much I HATE Bank of America. They will do one thing one time, then when you are counting on them they'll do something totally different! After four years of this and not wanting to go through the hassle of switching automatic payments over I am going to be closing my account. Its said it took me this long to get fed up with their crap! Funny how fast a peaceful morning can turn around and bite you in the ars.

on Oct 04, 2007
Any big name bank is pretty much the same. It is my theory that they only tolerate us because without servicing the little guy, the big dollar clients wouldn't be able to do payroll. They don't actually want us to be their clients, because we're annoying pesky little flies who fill up their lines. So they invented the business banking line. That was enough for me to know exactly where I stood with them. Businesses can cut the line, while the little customers with their paychecks have to wait.
on Oct 04, 2007
I totally agree with you there. When I had lots of money, oh boy did the bend over to kiss my ass then. One thing though if it weren't for so m any little guys they wouldn't have as much money to make off of all of our money. Thats for sure. Oh well time to find a small credit union here in my hometown.
on Oct 04, 2007
lol thanks for the link. I'm up the air. I wish I could find the page a teacher showed me back when I was studying for my GED showed me. It let you enter you views on important issues and it matched you up with the running president that closely matched what you views were. Of course I go back and read over there answers because some things are more important than others. That year I didn't vote for the president it matched me up. Thanks though I will definitely check out that link.