Anything I feel I would like to talk about. So readers be warned. Though usually it will most likely just be about my life or things that appeal to me.
Published on September 4, 2004 By majicalillusion In Home & Family
I am a parent of three children, two of which attend public schools. This year my 2nd grader now has to wear uniforms. Next year it is said that the Junior High will also be switching over to uniforms. I am wondering if its just me or if anyone else agrees with me on the issue of uniforms. I know its been said that it helps the students pay more attention because they aren't worried about what they are wearing and what other girls or boys are wearing. I for one wasn't one of those kids that felt they needed to wear what the next kid was wearing. Though I think that picking out clothes for school was part of the excitement of going to school.

Was I the only one that got excited about going school cloths shopping? Shouldn't the uniforms just be kept to private schools? Since when is it easier if everyone looks the same? I think things are being taken a bit to far. I know there will be a lot of those who do not agree with me on this issue.

I for one enjoyed being different. I didn't put on any crazy clothes or anything like that to be different though. I know some of these things can be distracting. I do believe in having guidelines for such things. However, I don't agree with uniforms.

What are some of your views on most of the public schools going to uniforms and what do your children think about it?

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