Oh, yeah! Another take over! I remember what happened last month when we purchased another printing company in OK. It was total hell here at work. Phone calls were coming in before we were even informed that we were buying them out. Work was being sent over before we even had a customer list much less the artwork from the reorders. URG! I got one of the bigger jobs that was even new to the OK printing company. Hundreds of cards, 5 different layouts for each division of this company. I would t...
Well I've been gone again for awhile. I've had a lot of stuff happen and I've been finding it hard to feel positive about anything lately. I didn't want to come on JU and whine and complain about how bad I think I have it. I know that there are plenty of people out there that have it much worse. I just feel like any luck we may have had in the past 5 years has come to a halt. Thanks to all the rain that we got here in Texas this past summer we are now in foreclosure with our mortgage company....