Anything I feel I would like to talk about. So readers be warned. Though usually it will most likely just be about my life or things that appeal to me.
majicalillusion's Articles In Personal Relationships
September 11, 2004 by majicalillusion
Well I have opened up my home once again. This girl was someone who I had become friends with on line. I had stuck by her on her move to Texas to help out her sister-in-law while her brother was in Iraq. She moved from California to Ft. Hood Texas to assist her. Her stay at her sisters didn't last long, next thing I knew she was still living on base but with her boyfriend and his sister and her family. The stories she would tell me about that house made me shiver. She is 19, and I felt I could...
July 5, 2007 by majicalillusion
of fake people, and people who say they are your friends then at the same time they act like they understand where you are coming from and then turn around and are stabbing you in the back. I miss my two best friends back home. Even when I did things they didn't agree with they told me. I miss being able to agree to disagree and knowing exactly where I stood with them. I now remember why I started to seclude myself. Then along came David and I opened my heart to him and people all over ...